Inside Australia

Mein persönlicher Blog über meine Zeit in Australien mit dem Working Holiday Visa.

More About Me...

Man kommt nicht an sein Ziel, weil man davon träumte oder darüber nachdachte. Man erreicht es, weil man seinen weg gegangen ist...und nun wird es zeit aufzubrechen...

Another Tit-Bit...

Deine erste Pflicht ist es, Dich selbst glücklich zu machen. Bist du glücklich, so machst du auch andere glücklich.

Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt; Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth by Mark Twain.

what should i say...

i don´t know why i wanted to go earlier to brisbane for 5 lonely days without you guys :-( In my room are only very young party chicks, talking in a language I don´t understand. i miss you already my bundy family. I know its part of travelling to say goodbye and when the day comes and somebody is moving on, we cannot believe that the the time we spend together was running so fast and should be over now. I´ve had never so much fun in such a "city" like bundaberg and i can say, its all about the people who are making these weeks so special.

Miss you all and will keep our hard working (party) time :-) forever in my mind. Keep on travelling and have safe trips where ever you all guys are going to.

kisses and big hugs, miri

PS: And don´t forget bundy sweet potatos´re going to oktoberfest 2010 ;-) Oh my god, i´m so jealous that you´re on the road for such a long time guys...